

  • Optimally, 2 capsules in the morning and 2 capsules in the evening
  • The dosage can be adjusted according to your needs (it is possible to take the entire daily dose at the same time)
  • You can take it before or after a meal

Precancerous disease

4 x 50 mg per day / 3 months
Dysplasia and its signs and symptoms

Digestive tract carcinomas (tongue,gullet, stomach, colon, rectum,gallbladder,pancreas,liver)

4 x 50 mg per day / 4 months
Colon cancer (colorectal carcinoma)

Gynaecological carcinomas (uterus, cervix, ovaries)

4 x 50 mg per day / 4 months
Cervical cancer (cervical carcinoma) – C53

Urinary tract carcinomas (urinary bladder, kidneys, prostate, testicles)

4 x 50 mg per day / 4 months
Prostate cancer (prostatic gland carcinoma) – C61

Other organ carcinomas (brain, lungs, lymphatic nodes, mammary glands)

4 x 50 mg per day / 4 months
Lung cancer – C33, C34

Skin melanoma

4 x 50 mg per day / 4 months
Skin cancer (skin melanomas) – C43, C44


  • Optimally, 1 capsules in the morning and 1 capsules in the evening
  • The dosage can be adjusted according to your needs (it is possible to take the entire daily dose at the same time)
  • You can take it before or after a meal


2 x 50 mg per day / 1 months


2 x 50 mg per day / 1 months

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months
Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Colon Polyps

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months
Colon Polyps


2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months
Diverticulosis of Colon

Ulcerative Colitis

2 x 50 mg per day / 1 months
Ulcerative Colitis – Inflammation of Colon


  • Optimally, divide the daily dose in half (morning and evening)
  • The dosage can be adjusted according to your needs (it is possible to take the entire daily dose at the same time)
  • You can take it before or after a meal

HPV infection

4 x 50 mg per day / 3 months
HPV infection (Human Papilloma Virus) and its signs and symptoms


4 x 50 mg per day / 3 months
Dysplasia and its signs and symptoms


2 x 50 mg per day / 3 months
Endometriosis and its signs and symptoms

Uterine fibroids and their signs and symptoms

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months
Uterine fibroids and their signs and symptoms


2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months
Adnexitis and its signs and symptoms

Endometrial hyperplasia and its signs and symptoms

4 x 50 mg per day / 3 months
Endometrial hyperplasia and its signs and symptoms

Bacterial and viral infections

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months
Yeast infection (vaginal thrush) and its signs and symptoms


  • Optimally, divide the daily dose in half (morning and evening)
  • The dosage can be adjusted according to your needs (it is possible to take the entire daily dose at the same time)
  • You can take it before or after a meal

Disease of viral origin (cold, cold sores, warts)

2 x 50 mg per day / 1 months
How to boost weakened immune system

Viral or bacterial intestinal problems (Shigella, Salmonella)

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months

Liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis, hereditary disease)

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months

Inflammation of gallbladder, pancreas

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months

Inflammations of kidneys and urinary tract

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months

How to boost weakened immune system

2 x 50 mg per day / 1 months
How to boost weakened immune systemené imunity

Chronic fatigue syndrome

2 x 50 mg per day / 2 months
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Higher genetic load

1 x 50 mg per day / 1 months
Higher genetic load

Side effects:

It is important to keep the recommended daily dose and the minimum time of use. In order to increase the effect, the recommended daily dose may be increased up to twofold. In long-term use we recommend a month-long discontinuation after every 4 months.

Penoxal is well tolerated even at high dosages, and cannot cause addiction in long-term use. The product has no side effects, it is not an antibiotic, it is completely non-toxic and does not interact with other medicines or supplements. Increased attention is recommended only in the following cases:

Autoimmune Disease – for autoimmune diseases we recommend that you consult the use of Penoxal with your physician.

Warfarin – regulates the number of blood platelets and Biocol – the active substance of Penoxal – on the other hand forms them so it is difficult to make them work together. We recommend replacing Warfarin with Pradaxa (after consulting your physician) which is much safer, works on a different basis and in a different hematopoietic cycle so it is consistent with the effects of Penoxal.

Herxheimer reaction – The symptoms of the disease may be aggravated at the beginning of a curative treatment. Some previous symptoms may return and new symptoms such as fatigue, pain, numbness, diarrhea, flu, cough, sleep disorder, etc. may worsen. This is caused by the so-called Herxheimer reaction when the immune system responds to poisons and toxins released as a result of pathogens or malignant cell destruction. This is a healthy, natural process and a sign of successful battle so there is no need to be immediately frightened just temporarily reduce the dose. Herxheimer’s reaction almost does not appear in classical medicine because classical medicine does not address the real cause of the disease, but uses drugs to suppress symptoms and that further infect the body with harmful substances.