Adnexitis and its signs and symptoms
Adnexitis is a gynaecological infection affecting women only. Fallopian tubes are the organs involved and located in the pelvic cavity close to ovaries joining the abdominal cavity. Fallopian tubes are essential to female fertility. If ovaries are inflamed, fallopian tubes are usually affected too. Gynaecology experts call this inflammation adnexitis. The pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is most common in 20 to 30 year-olds.
Risk factors
PID is often caused by high-risk sexual behaviour leading to bacteria multiplication such as streptococci or staphylococci that travel from the female genital organs up and attack fallopian tubes; so inflammation develops. Sexual intercourse is thus a number one risk factor. A less common transmission is via infected abdominal organs such as appendicitis. Similarly, a low likelihood of infection is during a childbirth or abortion. Overall, a weak immune system increases the risk of adnexitis.
Signs and symptoms of adnexitis
Adnexitis is usually accompanied with cramps and pain in the lower abdomen. Pain can also occur during sex, urination or menstruation. However, a red flag is bleeding between periods which signifies advanced inflammation and infected uterus. Accompanying manifestations include fever, chills, nausea or smelly vaginal discharge. Adnexitis may develop at the absence of symptoms or with very subtle symptoms. In such case a serious complication due to untreated inflammation may reduce female fertility by up to 60%.
Preventing adnexitis
Optimal PID prevention involves responsibility when choosing sexual partners and safe sex, even though barrier methods of birth control (condom) are not 100% effective against the infection transmission. The power of the immune system is also relevant as it may prevent the onset of gynaecological inflammation to a large extent. It is thus recommended maintaining adequate vitamin intake from diet or natural food supplements in order to prevent inflammation. A red flag is particularly smelly vaginal discharge indicating the need for an immune system boost; however, discharge is not necessarily a clear indication of adnexitis.
Treatment of adnexitis
Treatment of any inflammation is usually initiated with antibiotics. Rest and adequate fluid intake are recommended during home care. If severe pain accompanies inflammation, painkillers are prescribed. Because PID is a sexually-transmitted infection, both sexual partners should attend a gynaecological assessment. Otherwise infection may recur after sex including uncomfortable burning and vaginal discharge. Symptoms may return as a result of a weak immune system which should be targeted using the right natural food supplement, and also due to antibiotics affecting the body.
Impact of the immune system on adnexitis
Chronic or acute adnexitis is caused by the presence of undesirable bacteria difficult for the body to fight with due to its weak immune system. Boosting the immune system by natural food supplements may stop the infection spreading as soon as possible, and before its first signs appear. If immunity fails to be supported and inflammation develops, the immune system boost is a must, particularly if using antibiotics.