Gynecology and Obstetrics Přerov 1/2

Clinical test of effectiveness regarding Penoxal 50

Gynecology and Obstetrics Přerov

Středomoravská nemocniční a.s. -o.z. Hospital Přerov

Dvořáková 1800/75 751 52 Přerov

Senior consultant: MUDr. Jarmila Repovská

Product testing coordinated by: MUDr. Mária Aldhabbahová

Testing period: 21.4.2011 – 31.8.2011

Aim: Testing effectiveness of Penoxal 50 in clinical practice.

The aim was to test the effectiveness of Penoxal 50 in a dose of 3 capsules daily for 60 days in 10 patients with endometriosis.

Number of patients included:10, we selected patients with a perioperative and a histology-verified diagnosis of endometriosis
Divided as per diagnosis:N 90.8 endometriosis – 10 patientsD 25.9 uterus myomatosus – 4 patients
Tested parameters:chronic pelvic pain
impaired menstruation
subjective discomfort
Abbreviations used:0       no changes
+       improved
–        deteriorated
LSK – laparoscopy
LAVH + BSO – laparoscopy-assisted vaginal hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy

All the female patients selected had at least 2 of the tested parameters prior to their diagnosis.

Evaluations were performed after the 1st month and in the 3rd month of using Penoxal 50.

NameDate of birthDgDg determinedOperationsPainImpaired menstruationDys pareunieDiscomfortTotal evaluation
histologyLAVH + BSO+Not assessed+++
histologyLAVH + BSO0Not assessed0+0
histologieLAVH +  BSO0Not assessed0++
histologyLAVH + BSO+Not assessed+++
S.L1943N809histologyLAVH + BSO+Not assessed0+0

Results :

For testing purposes we selected 10 patients with a dominant clinical symptom of chronic pelvic pain, and 4 patients also had myomatous uterus.
Patients with the myomatous uterus were indicated for hysterectomy, histology confirms adenomyosis in one patient without the myomatous uterus, but regarding her age and the finding of a cyst on her ovary she is also indicated for hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy.
2 patients of a childbearing age with impaired pelvic peritoneum and sacro-uterine ligaments and vesilcouteri: plicas were passed onto another specialised department where they performed a resection.
The rest of patients had a perioperative destruction of small endometrial deposits by coagulation. In a month after the operation patients were invited for a gynaecological follow-up assessment.
All were healed without any signs of post-operative infiltrate.
Almost all reported improved overall condition.
In the next month, the patients with intact uterus reported decreased dysmenorrhea and improvements in their overall condition.
None of the patients had an allergic reaction or intolerance in association with the product use.
Patients found the product beneficial.


Penoxal 50 in a dose of 3 capsules daily proved to be beneficial for patients with endometriosis and patients in a post-operative period. Patients evaluated primarily the pain relief and improvements in their overall condition.

Even though all patients reported improvements in their condition and alleviation of their subjective problems in the final evaluation of the product, it should be noted that our sample is small and the testing period too short in order to provide an objective evaluation of the effectiveness regarding Penoxal 50 in patients with endometriosis.

Senior consultant: MUDr. Jarmila Repovská

Product testing coordinated by: MUDr. Mária Aldhabbahová