Iveta M. – tumour of the ovary and large intestine

Same as anyone after finding a serious illness, I was looking for anything that could help me. I had suffered inexplicable abdominal and back pain for several years back. At the beginning of 2018, I began to notice weight loss and I was very tired. Finally, after my insistence, I asked for an abdominal cavity ultrasound examination. It was discovered that it was reportedly a gallbladder, which was then undergoing surgery in April 2018. However, during surgery, the nerves in both legs were damaged from my knees down. I couldn’t feel my legs. I couldn’t walk properly, my legs buckled, jumping like locusts and kicking them forward in a karate style. I was told it was called rooster walking. Stomach aches and back pains increased.
Because nothing was improving, I was hospitalised at neurology department, where I was on drips all the time. After a week of treatment, I was released and I started rehabilitation. Here they showed my husband the exercises and massages we should do at home to improve my health. I was unable to move without crutches, I had dizziness and stability problems. My back and abdominal pains continued and my weight decreased (about 20 kg in 4 months). I couldn’t eat anything due to the pain and I became worried and desperate. My GP claimed that it would return to normal and my back and abdominal pains would go away, but they didn’t. Therefore, I didn’t hesitate to make an appointment with another doctor (gastroenterologist), where I regularly attended. When he saw me in my condition, he knew something was wrong. Immediately, he sent me for a CT scan, where after a histology it was discovered that I had a malignant tumour on one ovary, small and large intestine and many smaller ones in the whole abdominal cavity.
I was immediately sent to an oncology clinic. I met my former co-worker there, who also happened to have cancer, and it was her who recommended that I try PENOXAL. I was a little surprised by its high price. However, I read the reviews carefully and therefore ordered it before undergoing chemotherapy. Chemotherapy, however, didn’t work. For this reason, as a last resort with an uncertain outcome, I was scheduled for surgery in January 2019. I had been taking PENOXAL for 3 months by then. Unfortunately, the disease was at such a stage that a part of the small and large intestine was taken out and an outlet from the small intestine (ileostomy) had to be formed.
I take Penoxal daily, except the time when I was in the ICU department. I mentioned it to my surgery doctor, who approved it, had no problem with it. I also went to a nutritional counsellor to do something about my almost malnutrition. I gained weight and my weight stabilised. Now after a year of use, I can say with confidence that it was a very good decision. I used to be very tired, as if I had no energy, I even underwent chemotherapy without difficulties. Too bad it didn’t work. After surgery, I didn’t undergo any other, as my kidneys didn’t take it very well. Immunity has improved, I seem to be avoiding flu and colds. Blood results have improved a lot. I have an appetite. I gained 20 kg, and I feel good. I firmly believe it’s thanks to PENOXAL. Thanks for it and thanks for the colleague who recommended that to me!
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