HPV infection (Human Papilloma Virus) and its signs and symptoms
HPV, or human papilloma virus, is a sexually-transmitted virus which can be life-threatening even in the absence of symptoms. HPV affects almost 80% of the world population throughout life and has been here for millions of years. HPV can affect women and men. The strong immune system can cope with the virus quite well, and within two years since its onset the body can heal itself completely.
HPV infection transmission
Papilloma virus is transmitted via genital contact or contact between the hand or mouth and genital organs. In rare cases, it may be transmitted through contaminated clothes or towels.
Risk factors of HPV infection
The risk of getting the disease is determined primarily by sexual activity and frequent changes of sexual partners. Other risk factors are smoking, immune deficiency, the weak immune system, genetic predispositions and eating disorders with low levels of a-tocopherols, vitamin C and antioxidants.
Signs and symptoms of HPV infection
HPV infection usually has very subtle symptoms or no symptoms at all. In the presence of human papilloma virus the disease may continue developing for several months or years. People commonly affected are aged 18 to 25. The course of HPV infection since its onset until the potential tumour growth takes up to 15 years. Its progression may lead to cervical cancer. Gynaecological conditions caused by HPV are benign neoplasms of genitals such as genital warts (condyloma) that can affect both men and women.
Preventing HPV infection
Primary prevention from HPV infection is sexual abstinence. Refraining from sex and any contact with genital organs almost guarantees no risk of HPV. Sexually active individuals can reduce the potential risk of contracting HPV by using a condom; this, however, ensures no absolute protection. Vaccination is another possibility as well as having strong immune system.
Treatment of HPV infection
If patients notice even subtle signs of infection, they are advised visiting a gynaecologist. A common treatment method is a surgical removal. This is relatively minor intervention performed at a precancerous stage of the condition. Targeted strengthening of the immune system should be part of high quality care as well as prevention from all gynaecological or viral diseases that are primarily a result of a weak immune system.
Pregnancy and HPV infection
The good news for mothers-to-be is that HPV has no impact on fertility. Condyloma or genital warts however grow more rapidly during pregnancy. Their removal can be done in several ways. Gynaecological interventions are recommended before the childbirth to avoid transmission onto the child. If genital warts block the birth canal, the child must be delivered via C-section.
Impact of the immune system on HPV infection
Similarly to other viral or gynaecological diseases, the immune system greatly influences the development of genital warts. If benign neoplasms appear, it is best to boost the immune system immediately with a natural food supplement, as its effect is beneficial for the treatment itself. Because HPV is a very inconspicuous virus, enhancing the immune system should be an automatic precaution.