Helena L. – body regeneration

I started taking Penoxal to test it, for a month as recommended by my friend. I took two capsules daily to re-charge my body and to boost my immune system. After just a week I felt my body and soul improving. I felt more resistant, stronger and calmer. Because I live quite a healthy life and do regular sports, I cannot say the difference was massive. The fact is that after a month I stopped taking Penoxal. That was a mistake. Inflammations and infections returned and I felt awful.

I now take Penoxal again, having a larger package, I take 3 capsules daily. Within two weeks my illnesses receded, and it seems that even my skin has improved. I definitely recommend Penoxal, it brings results which are worth the price paid.

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How does Penoxal help with weakened immunity?

Penoxal is a natural food supplement containing a unique patented substance called Biocol and its positive effect on the immune system is accentuated by vitamin C. Penoxal promotes primarily B and T-cells – white blood cells responsible for the immune response, it regulates death of the damaged or diseased cells, it helps a healthy functioning of the digestive tract, it alleviates symptoms of many diseases, it harmonises the entire body and thus contributes to the overall well-being. It interferes with no other medications and when used on a long-term basis, it demonstrates no toxic or other negative effects. M.D. Anna GalambosPharm.Dr. Thomas Arndt and other doctors confirm in their statements about Penoxal that it is suitable food supplement to boost the weakened immunity. Find out more about Penoxal users experience HERE.

(Gynaecology and Obstetrics Outpatients of MUDr. Zdeněk Vocásek, Jihoslovanská 465, Vrchlabí) Total number of 52 patients (precancerosis of cervix) –…

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