Dysplasia and its signs and symptoms

Cervical dysplasia is a precancerous condition which precedes cancer. Changes are caused by the infection of a high-risk strain of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus). Development of HPV and cervical dysplasia or cervical cancer is a long process, usually taking up to 10 years. During this process the precancerous stage or dysplasia can be identified and treated successfully without any consequences. The disease, however, is asymptomatic and can only be revealed through a preventative cervical smear (cytology) or a gynaecological assessment using speculums (colposcopy).

Risk factors of dysplasia

A proven risk factor is smoking which increases the risk of severe dysplasia in women by almost five percent, this is when smoking a single cigarette. The evidence exists that even female non-smokers are at higher risk of the disease if their partners smoke. Another factor impacting on the gynaecological condition is vitamin A and folic acid deficiency. Risk factors are associated with the incidence of sexually-transmitted diseases such as chlamydia. A weak immune system is also another high-risk factor therefore a natural food supplement should be taken as a form of prevention.

Preventing dysplasia

A regular preventative gynaecological examination is a primary preventative measure which can reveal dysplasia on time. Because the exact causes are unknown, adequate prevention is unclear. Nevertheless, links between the disease and body changes vary, so it is necessary to follow certain principles preventing all gynaecological problems. A healthy sexual life without frequent changes of partners, personal hygiene, regular exercise, adequate vitamin and mineral intake, avoiding chemically-treated food in diet and stress all play a major role. Regular boost of the immune system ensures effective prevention from cervical and other diseases.

Treatment of dysplasia

A treatment is basically similar to HPV as it causes dysplasia. Abnormal cervical cells and genital warts can be surgically removed, thus preventing dysplasia. Colonoscopy may result in erosion of the cervix which is a cervical surface abrasion caused by examination. However, in most cases this poses no problem, because cervical cells are renewed every three months, thus the abrasion heals itself.

Impact of the immune system on dysplasia

A strong immune system is essential for everybody’s health, so even in dysplasia immunity should be adequately enhanced. With the weak immune system a female body is more prone to multiplication of unwanted cells and the development of yeast, chlamydia or inflammations that may induce tumour growth preceded by dysplasia.