Stomach cancer – C16 – Gastritis
Although stomach cancer is a relatively common cancer, its decline has been noted in association with improved hygiene and the quality of nutrition (despite its current criticism). The incidence of stomach cancer is geographically different; it is frequently seen in Japan (possibly due to a frequent consumption of smoked salted fish containing many carcinogens), and the lowest rates are surprisingly in the USA. Thanks to the modern treatment methods and a timely detection of symptoms stomach cancer shows a decreasing trend.
Many factors contribute to the onset of stomach cancer; the most significant and easily modifiable are lifestyle and the immune system. High-risk factors are smoking, a frequent consumption of fried, grilled or smoked food (as dangerous carcinogens are by-products of its processing), excess of salt, a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables, foods high in molds and a weak immune system. Genetic predispositions cannot be influenced; some types of carcinomas are directly inherited, while in others the risk is three times higher. The disease is more prevalent in middle-aged men and older. People with pernicious anaemia are more at risk as the condition causes changes to the gastric mucosa due to the lack of intrinsic factor (enabling vitamin B12 absorption). Stomach cancer may develop from some polyps or chronic gastric disease induced by bacteria Helicobacter pylori that contribute to the formation of stomach ulcers. The bacterial disease is easy to cure, but in line with its potential malignancy reversal it is important not to delay the treatment. The bacterial and other diseases may be prevented by a boosting of the immune system using appropriate food supplements.
Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms are not very noticeable, cancer often manifests at a later stage when pain in the left upper abdomen arises together with the feeling of fullness even after a small meal portion, and a loss of appetite, vomiting or fatigue. Depending on the tumor site there may be swallowing problems and pain. Some signs and symptoms such as the relief after a meal, vomiting of blood or black-coloured melena in the stool may warn about other digestive diseases.
Preventing stomach cancer
A healthy lifestyle with limited consumption of “high-risk” foods and their processing is definitely a number one prevention. Preventative screenings and addressing even minor problems and symptoms should be a matter of course. A significant risk reduction of stomach ulcers that may turn malignant is ensured along with elimination of stress and smoking. People at the high-risk group should not neglect their immune system which needs to be regularly strengthened. An effective enhancement of immunity is provided by the natural food supplement.
Impact of the immune system on stomach cancer
Because the danger of stomach cancer lies in its hidden signs and symptoms that are often impossible to notice, it is recommended for any digestive problems to focus on boosting of the immune system. A well-functioning immunity is able to utilise the body’s defence mechanisms and thus prevent the spread of unwanted cells or the formation of stomach ulcers.