Cervical cancer (cervical carcinoma) – C53
More and more women have been encountering this unfavourable diagnosis which poses a great burden on health and mental well-being. Cervical cancer is the second most common cause of death worldwide in women above 45 years, and the third most common cause of cancer death in women overall. Breast and lung cancer are at a leading position. Over half a million cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed globally each year.
About the disease
Similarly to other types of cancers, cervical cancer may be divided into benign such as endocervical polyp, and malignant such as the feared cervical carcinoma. Cervical cancer is preceded by precancerous changes divided into several stages. A rate of change to a more advanced stage, and to cancer, is associated with a type of virus causing the cervical change. The most common viruses are Human Papilloma Viruses, i.e. HPV, transmitted through sex and stimulating uncontrolled cell division and proliferation in the cervix. Not all women with HPV are subject to cancer, however, no signs should be overlooked. A combination of many risk factors may instigate infection.
Primary risk factors contributing to the onset of cancer include the presence of HPV, which is more often seen in promiscuous women, but also in those having a first sexual intercourse at a young age (as the cervix is not fully developed and is more susceptible to infections). A higher risk is in women having a history of multiple childbirths or those above 45; however, cancer is increasingly affecting even younger women. A significant factor is immune deficiency enabling viral invasion of the body. If the immune system is compromised by smoking and an unhealthy diet, its ability to resist infections declines even more.
Signs and symptoms
Manifestations differ depending on a type of cancer. However, precancerous stages that are easy-to-address show no warning signs. Typical yet late occurring manifestations are bleeding between periods, smelly vaginal discharge, pain and bleeding during sex, or problems with passing urine. Therefore no problem should be underestimated, and medical help should be sought.
Preventing cervical cancer
The most effective solution is to avoid risk factors, although some can hardly be influenced such as congenital immune deficiency or age. Regular gynaecological health checks are crucial (from 15 years of age onwards 1x a year); they may involve cervical smears and subsequent cytology tests revealing any changes or signs. Recently, there has been an increased interest in vaccination for cervical cancer. However, vaccines act only against the four most common types of cancer-causing papilloma viruses. They can suppress HPV infection for up to 10 years, but are unable to cure it. Girls aged 13 can have free vaccinations. However, the most important preventative step is to regularly boost the immune system.
Impact of the immune system on cervical cancer
A strong immune system can largely influence prevention of gynaecological diseases as well as the recovery and treatment of cervical cancer. The body’s increased resistance may gradually remove the cytological findings. Every positive finding following the smear test should automatically lead to a targeted reinforcement of the immune system to prevent a more serious disease such as cervical cancer. Immunity is best to promote by a natural food supplement, and also by lifestyle changes (healthy sleep, no alcohol or cigarettes, etc.).