Gynaecological diseases of female genital organs

Gynaecological diseases can be very dangerous, not only for young women planning motherhood, but also for menopausal women encountering great hormonal changes. These changes act as risk factors of chronic disorders or cancers.

Female genital organs can be protected by healthy diet, regular exercise, drinking regime, adequate hygiene, safe sex, and maintaining a strong immune system as a main aspect of the overall health.

Vaginal discharges

Vaginal discharges are a great threat for all women in their lifetime. Many risk factors are to blame; they cause discharges that are often inevitable. They are usually itchy, burning, smelly and frustrating for intimate life as well as for all daily activities. Causes include a wide range of gynaecological diseases such as yeast infections (Candida), chlamydia, streptococci, fungi and others. Hormonal contraception and antibiotics are not very helpful for the overall immunity, and may even trigger vaginal discharge. So, it is important to consider whether their use is at all necessary. Significantly susceptible to gynaecological diseases are obese women, those with diabetes, hormonal imbalances and weak immunity. Other high-risk intervals of frequent vaginal discharges are pregnancy and menopause.

Generally, antimycotics are prescribed, but often it is just a diet alteration and strengthening the immune system that do the trick. It is unnecessary to use chemical drugs that lead to a more acidic environment and interfere with the natural pH balance in the body. Antimycotics for gynaecological conditions do not eliminate the cause, but merely delay the onset of an underlying problem. A more effective solution is to bet on nature and its perfect healing properties. The combination of a natural food supplement boosting the immune system and healthy diet with essential nutrients, free of sugar, alcohol and sweetened juice is more beneficial for the health of the urinary tract, ovaries, fallopian tubes and other female organs.

Female organ cancer

Neglecting prevention and suppressing the symptoms may lead to a serious disease often difficult to treat. Immunity is able to resist external conditions until it becomes weak and this is an ideal opportunity for cancerous cells. Interplay of a weak immune system and risk factors is an incentive for the development of cancer. Based on tumour behaviour we distinguish a malignant and a benign tumour; they differ in terms of health risk. The benign tumour compresses surrounding organs, but unlike the malignant tumour it forms no metastases and no ingrowth. The most common benign gynaecological tumours are myomas of uterine muscle cells and cysts of ovaries. The malignant tumour rapidly divides and goes beyond control aggressively destroying its surrounding areas and growing into nearby organs. If cells are released into the blood circulation, distal tumour deposits appear (metastases).

However, characteristics and the behaviour of tumours cannot be predicted, because the exact boundary between malignant and benign tumours is unknown. The onset of tumours is still under investigation. Some may be potentially malignant, but their behaviour is of a precancerous stage. Even the speed and the way of disease progression differ. Many factors may influence these, one of them being the power of the immune system.

Various types of cancers affecting female genital organs often appear at various stages of life. However, even the so called false tumours may develop; they look similar, but they are formed by accumulation of gland secretions and prevent outflow. These false tumours are called retention cysts and are related to immune system disorders.

What is the use of Penoxal in gynecological diseases?​

Penoxal aids an easier and faster recovery as it promotes immunity and thus reduces a risk of developing the disease; it balances the internal environment and it harmonizes the reproductive organ activity. M.D. Anna GalambosPharm.Dr. Thomas Arndt and other doctors confirm in their statements about Penoxal that it is suitable food supplement to complement gynecological treatments. Find out more about Penoxal users experience HERE.

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